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Yoni is a word used to describe the womb, the nature's gateway of all births! 


If you are looking to give your yoni a special pampering, a routine update, or just a little refresher, then you may benefit from these 11 blended herbs.


  • These yoni steams include, but are not limited to Sarsaparilla, Frankincense, and Chinese Pulsatilla Root.


  • You will find that these many ancient herbs really help to cleanse your blood, nourish your skin, and fight bad bacteria.


  • Yoni steaming can also help to regulate an irregular cylce, aid in less painful periods, and shorten the length of your menstrual bleeding.


  • Steaming is a great way to heal your yoni after giving birth.

(Do not use while pregnant)


  • Yoni steaming helps you to acknowledge the interconnection between your womb, mind, and soul, by getting in touch with your divine feminine energy.


  • You can add whatever intention you want, when it comes to your steaming practice, whether that be the birth of new opportunities, clearing the energy of old sex (soul) ties, or healing traumatic wounds in the womb, you have full control to manifest whatever you desire.


You should approach yoni steaming from a holisitc standpoint. Taking into account, mind, body, and spirit. What intentions do you have? How is your physical body reacting? What is your soul telling you?


On this journey to your healing, spend time being concious of how you treat your yoni before and after a steam. Dont just rely on outside elements without looking within, putting in the work, and maintaining it!


Take a vow to be gentle to your yoni, and love her. Ase!

Yoni Steams

  • 11 Herb Blend: Sarsaparilla, Parsley, Frankincense, Chinese Pulsatilla Root, Cork Tree Bark, Baiskal Skullcap Root, Sophoro Root, Radix Lithosperimi, Pericarpium Zanthoxyli, Honey Locust, &  Laregehead Rhizoma Atractylodis.

    • Each pouch comes with 9 individually sealed herbal bags, perfect for steeping.


    • I reccommend steaming no more then three times a month, using the strenght of three tea bags at a time. 


    • Make sure space is set up, prior to preparing yoni steams. This is important to ensure steam isn't evaporating while your setting up space (laying out your yoga mat, playing background music, grabbing blankets, tea, journal, sage,crystals, etc).


    • To prepare, place your sealed herbal bags into a medium sized bowl/pot, pouring nearly boiling water over the top, and allow it to steep for 5 mins.


    • Carefully carry your steaming bowl/ pot your space, and sit over it at a temperature thats comfortable for you, but still hot enough to produce steam.


    • Keep everything from the waist- down, completely undressed, yet covered under a towel, skirt, gown, or scarf, to make sure no steam escapes. 


    I find it most comfortable to place the bowl right under your vagina, in between your thighs, and in the position of childs pose, if you don't have a steaming seat.

    You may find that your inclined to meditate/pray, journal, or even listen to music that will increase your vibration. I personally like to play binural beats that are healing for the womb (like 528 HZ)

    Spend this intimate time doing whatever your called to do.

    Draw closer to your intuition, and listen to your womb. 



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